April 12, 2022
!Ce este Web 3.0 și cum funcționeazî? În ultimul timp, numeroase tehnologii noi susțin că fac parte din așa-numitul ”Web 3.0”, însă rareori este explicat acest [...]
11 February 2020
CMS stands for Content Management System, which means in short it is an entire online publishing platform, of the information you want to appear on the Internet, generating a dynamic website. [...]
30 January 2020
A database is an organized collection of information or structured data, stored electronically in a computer. A database is controlled, as a rule, [...]
28 January 2020
When we talk about the front-end, we are actually talking about the interface of the website with which the users interact. In other words, the programmer specialized in front-end development deals with the implementation of the design [...]
28 January 2020
This term refers to the back of the application. It is written in most cases in PHP or Python, most often in [...]
27 January 2020
A framework is an application that contains a collection of scripts with the help of which web page creators can make a complex site much faster. [...]
24 January 2020
API, the acronym for "Application Programming Interface", represents a set of rules and specifications that must be followed in order to access and use the services. [...]
22 January 2020
Web content is textual, visual or sound content encountered as part of the user experience on websites. It may include, but is not limited to, text, images, sounds, videos [...]
21 January 2020
Everyone has been talking lately about responsive web design. Basically, we do not make a mobile version of the website or online store, but we think about it [...]