Frequent Questions


1. Static HTML page This type of page is the most widespread in the case of a company presentation site, static information being integrated into a customized design, along with general graphic elements - images, backgrounds - and own elements - logo, logo - in a palette special color.

The site navigation system - usually in the form of an attractive dynamic menu - will be integrated with the other graphic elements for a unitary view of your site.

The page loading speed is an essential criterion in evaluating the quality of a site, which is why HTML pages are optimized to ensure their fast loading, ensuring a constant presence on the Internet.

2. Dynamic PHP page

Developing dynamic pages for a site is a step forward from a simple website presentation. Such dynamic pages offer you a number of facilities such as:

  • interactivity with users - displaying pages based on both the information selected by them and the preferences for viewing;
  • the possibility of managing on the Internet the information contained in the site, without the need of programming or HTML knowledge;
  • secure applications - allow access only to registered users and only after password-based authentication;
  • Searching for information on the site - Internet applications based on dynamic pages allow searching for offers on the site, as well as other information;
  • permanently updating the information present on the site, from a database.
  • The mySQL database designed and optimized by our specialists is the ever-changing source of information for a site based on dynamic PHP pages.

3. Site design

A web site is an excellent place for potential customers to know you, to know your offer, and existing customers to follow up on new products and services. The online presence on the Internet should be seen as an advertisement, the costs being much lower compared to the traditional forms of advertising and thus benefiting from maximizing the sales with minimum expenses.

The design of a website is the form of presentation of information, based on static HTML pages or dynamic PHP. This form of presentation is extremely important for you, because it is the way to integrate all the information. We propose a wide range of designs, which will include, along with the information proposed by you, the following:

  • an intuitive navigation system integrated into the site structure;
  • visual identity elements (logo, banner, logo, header, etc.);
  • all the facilities present in the case of static HTML or dynamic PHP pages;
  • the English version;
  • advanced search system;
  • discussion forum, with the possibility of managing members;
  • company contact forms;
  • newsletter: sending emails to members registered in the database, with the latest offers of your company;
  • database management application via Internet, without the need for HTML knowledge;

If you already have a site, you can call our redesign services - if it is outdated graphically or you want to change its structure - or update - if you just want to modify the information present on it.

4. Visual identity (logo, logo, header) Creating a visual identity for your company is, or should be, one of the priorities of a strong customer-oriented marketing strategy. Designing a professional website is just the first step in this direction and is usually the one that determines the others.

The visual identity of a company includes a series of specific graphic elements that help to create a professional and powerful image to its clients. These include:

  • a suggestive logo;
  • a specific logo;
  • a header that appears on the official documents of the company;
  • a website that includes as many of the above as possible.

Our team can help you achieve a strong visual identity. Whether you want all the above services or just a few, contact us to convince you of the professionalism and quality of our services.

5. Photography (including processing and integration) The images contain the most expressive information for your future clients. Our team is ready to integrate descriptive images of your company or products into your site.

Besides obtaining the images (digital or scanned photos), we offer professional services for their processing, in the sense of perfect integration in the design of the site and to reduce their size, to increase the speed of the whole site.

6. Site variant English, French, German, Italian.

To have a successful site, it must be exposed to the most visitors and this is done by promoting it on the Internet. This promotion should be extended as much as possible, because the Internet is a notion that goes beyond the borders of a country.

That is why the information from your site should be brought in a format that can be recognized by potential clients from outside the country, who speak Romanian. Experience indicates that an English version of a site is sufficient to make the content of the site understandable, due to the global spread of English.

Depending on the complexity of the site, our team can perform an accurate translation of the information from your site and can integrate it into a site variant for potential non-Romanian speaking clients.

7. Registration of visitor IPs, counter, IP ban, newsletter A web site is an excellent place for potential customers to know you, to know your offer, and existing customers to follow up on new products and services.

According to recent statistics, most of the over 330 million Internet users, so your potential customers, are people open to new tests, aged between 15 and 45 years and with above average incomes.

That is why the relationship with these potential customers is important, starting from identifying the visitors of your site and ending with maintaining a database with subscribers, members, clients, to whom you can send them the latest offers or news.

Registering a visitor's IP is an easy way to permanently know the number of unique visitors to your site. In addition to this numbering, visitors may be banned, based on a list of banned IPs. The newsletter, or the list of news subscribers, is a database of clients that can be contacted immediately, for sending new offers or useful information.

All these facilities, the registration of visitors' IPs, the number of unique visitors, the prohibition of an IP, newsletter, are now possible through our team.

8. Site management.

Updating a site only involves modifying the information present on it. Both the structure and the graphic part do not undergo changes, any change of them involving a redesign.

If your site requires frequent updates, you may opt for a periodic maintenance contract. It involves a certain number of hours of updating over a certain period of time, chosen by you.

9. Contact modalities

You can get in touch with us through the Contact, as well as through form de Comanda, a chat room and the web invention forum will soon be made available to our clients, the place where you will be able to share the things you are facing, where you will be able to ask for our assistance and expertise.

In the section Contact of our page you have at your disposal a contact window in which you will enter your e-mail address, your contact details as well as exact information on the service and the product you wish to purchase. Soon our online order page, our virtual store will become functional. Once the order is sent in the shortest time you will be contacted by us to determine in detail the product to be delivered.

10. Payment methods

At the moment we accept the payment by bank deposit in the account made available by our company, the payment is made in the following way: after establishing the details related to the product and the execution period and after signing the execution contract based on the proforma invoice, 25% will be paid in advance of the project value. , at 50 % from the execution of the project and after presenting it to the client as unfinished raw material, 25% is still paid, at the end of the project before delivery, the rest of 50% is paid. The advance payment of the entire amount of execution of the project is granted a reduction of 5%. We also accept payment methods through virtual banks aka PayPal & Alertpay. Soon we will implement the payment service via SMS or credit card.

11. Methods of Project Execution-Establishment

When placing an order please the clients to own and provide us with all the information necessary to execute the desired service and product as close to their desire and vision. What we want to know: In the case of web pages ... the nature of the site, the field of activity, addressing, etc., possible sites as an example of how you would like to show your own page, the desired color palette, fonts, desired domain name or if you wish to leave to our choice all these annoying details sometimes but totally dependent on our work and without beating your head with them.

12. What is a Web Page? A website is a collection of documents (similar to a collection of word documents, for example). In contrast, the documents that make up the site (which we will call pages) are not independent of each other but are linked by a system called the navigation system within the site.

The pages of the site are created using a language called HTML. Behind any web page is the HTML of the page. The HTML source code can be viewed by selecting from the View menu of the browser the Source option.

With the help of HTML, texts, images, links to other pages on the site or to the web, lists, tables, forms can be included in a web page.

13. What technologies do we use ?!

HTML. As I said, web pages are created using HTML. This is not a programming language per se, but a markup language. Through it, the programmer determines what elements will be part of the web page and what their appearance will be. This is done with the help of keywords included in angular brackets called tags. In addition to HTML, other languages or technologies can participate in the creation of a site.

CSS. Abbreviation from Cascading Style Sheets, Romanian style sheets. They serve to establish a unitary aspect for the elements that are part of the web page and to modify them easily. For example, if we create a page of styles where we establish that the titles that appear on the site will be red and the size of 20 pixels, in case I would like to change the color it will not be necessary to change every page of the site acquis. It is enough to change the styles page and all the pages will change their appearance accordingly.

Java Script. Unlike HTML, Java Script is a programming language. It is used in conjunction with HTML. In a page written in HTML you can integrate programs (called scripts) written in Java Script. Common uses: pop-ups, dynamic menus, displaying images, scrolling texts, checking forms, etc.

PHP and MySql. PHP is also a programming language. This is what is called server-side language, as opposed to JavaScript which is client-side language. This means that the JavaScript scripts are executed by the client (that is, the browser) while the PHP scripts are executed by the server. PHP is used to create various applications: virtual shops, product catalogs, forums, search engines, etc. It is often used with MySql. MySql is a database system specially designed for use on the Internet. With it, you can create complex databases that can be queried through programs written in PHP. PHP programs (or even isolated instructions) can be seamlessly integrated into the HTML of the pages.

Flash. Flash technology, created by Macromedia, allows the creation of complex animations and multimedia applications that include animation, music, film. There are two trends in web design related to Flash technology:

Site creation entirely in Flash. In this case, the HTML part is reduced to a few tags that include the Flash application. Disadvantages: Loads hard on dial-up connections, is poorly indexed by search engines

Creation of mixed sites: HTML and Flash. It is the option for which we choose. The sites are made in HTML (or PHP) and the animation elements are made in Flash.

14. What is a Logo ?!

The logo is an important symbol that helps to identify and remark the company, the product or the service. Web Invent will collaborate with you in the elaboration of a new image of the company or in the improvement of the existing one, through a successful logo.

Having a logo means that we have an important message to send, and that is why we must make the best choice for this message to be concise, clear, easy to remember and forward, for our benefit and the affiliate's. of this logo. A logo attracts attention. It helps you recognize a company's product / service through a single graphic element. All the values of that company are identified by that symbol. Think of Nike. As you saw their symbol on a product, you associated that product with the image of the sports shoe manufacturer. A logo must be perfect. A simple design, but also attractive, easy to remember, highlighting your business from the multitude of competitors.

15. What is a Banner ?!

The banner is a file in GIF, JPG, SWF or HTML format of a certain size, for example: 120 × 60, 100 × 100, 468 × 60 pixels, which is displayed in the pages of the site and contains accurate information about the site, brand or business.

16. What is SEO ?!

SEO is the art of improving the rank of the website in the search engines for the keywords or phrases related to the products or services offered. With an SEO expert, your website will get a much better rank and the result will be found in increasing traffic and sales.